Tag Archives: scruff

Tempura. How good is that?

Arg. I did it again.  So my angel is home which is just the best ever and after celebrating this fact maybe a little bit too enthusiastically, yesterday was a tad slower than it should probably have been but eventually we both managed to get dressed and ready and come up with the brilliant idea that we should go shopping.  I never go shopping. I hate shopping. It’s hot and I have no money and I want stuff and I either can’t afford it or can’t get into it.  And, it is fair to say, I am a bit of a scruff, potentially on a bad day maybe even a slob, but usually just a scruff.  It goes without saying that the perfectly formed utterly gorgeous 19 year old ballet dancer is neither of those things, actually no she is sometimes a horrendous slob, but she is never scruffy.  Always made up always, in my eyes,perfect.  Like living with an airbrushed model.  Anyway I digress.  I am a bit of a scruff and it was decided that I needed new jeans.  I did.  Mine are lovely and comfy and squidgy, usually, sometimes on a Monday they are a little snugger than maybe is ideal but generally we get on quite well me and my jeans. Only problem is not only are they boyfriend cut,so way too young for me, but they are so old they have worn through on the bum.  My solution to this was to wear dark coloured knickers, the angel thought better and off we go to buy jeans.

it was a success. A pair of sensible age appropriate (as in no rips a nice dark colour, straight leg blah blah) jeans were picked out, wrestled into and finally purchase and we could get on with the real reason for coming, the coffee shop.  Where we decided firstly that we should go home as it was ridiculously late and secondly that we would have fish and vegetables for supper.  Changing room mirrors do that to a girl.  Cutting this big ramble short. We came home, the boys were totally crap (just slipping that in there in case any of them read this) having done nothing at all to help prepare for the evening.  We prepared our lovely healthy meal and then, then we decided to tempura it!  Tempura. What a fabulous thing. Learning to  make tempura has probably been the biggest single factor in my new found battle against middle aged spread.  What a gift. I got all our lovely vegetables, loads and loads and loads and I covered them in batter and I deep fried them, sprinkled them liberally with salt added two bottles of cava and ta da now you are talking.

Although I must say at the point when the logistics of how to cut up the brownies for pudding (mint chocolate fudge ones in case you are wondering with a palate cleansing bowl of ice cream first as mint doesn’t really go with tempura) are causing you so much brain ache that you need a little rest and this prompts you to rethink your drinking choice with hindsight i would say this was not the time to swap to red!!

That is my piece of wisdom for the day.